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2016 Horse Agility Training Day and Competition Dates

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I am running Two dates this summer with Horse Agility Accredited Trainer Amanda Braham.  Each date has a morning or an afternoon training session and then competition.  You can choose either 10 am to 1 pm or 2 pm to 5pm on each of the dates.

Sunday 17th July and Saturday 13th August.  

Entry Fees: £35 Members and £40 Non Members

Spectators £5.00

Refreshments provided but bring own packed lunch

Membership will be available on the day and Amanda usually brings a selection of items to sell such as long leads.  Minimal equipment needed, just a head collar or halter and a long line preferably a 12′ line.  Any age and ability welcome for horse, pony or person.  Come and enjoy a fun session.

For booking please contact Amanda direct:
