I am pleased to be welcoming Jean Whitebread back on Sunday 10th July to host again her popular Craniosacral day for horse owners. This years workshop entitled “Assessing, Helping and Improving Wellness for Horses” is aimed at those that want to be able to use this gentle modality for horses in their care.
During this workshop we will be:
Assessing horses posture vs conformation.
Feeling for the Craniosacral Rhythm
Palpating the Craniosacral Rhythm
Palpating the Respiratory Pulse
Palpating the Cardiac Pulse.
Starting at 10 am we will begin in doors learning about the above and practising on each other. Later we will go outside to assess some horses and work with them. Jean provides some informative hand outs. Tea break refreshments provided, but bring a packed lunch. Aiming to finish around 4 pm.
If you haven’t already met Jean you can visit her website at www.equinereconnect.co.uk
Cost for this workshop is £90 for the day. Please contact me for a booking form. You can also book direct with Jean.