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Helping Animals Heal- Alaskan Essences Workshop

In November 2014 it was my great pleasure to host the Alaskan Essences “Helping Animals Heal” three day workshop at Brook Farm.  My guests were Steve Johnson – co producer of the and Judith Polerands – Animal communicator, my first overseas guests.

1897917_4585325648199_3006719031741324961_nThe workshop was a great success and enjoyed by all who attended.

During the workshop we learnt about the pristine environment of Alaska where the essences are made and how they embody the very nature of that wild and natural landscape and all the immense and constant changes that occur there.  Much of the interior of Alaska remains a wilderness still in pristine condition so the vibrational energy in the essences is powerful and pure.


As this was a larger class we made use of the well equipped and lovely village hall in Messing which is just a mile form the farm.

Judith bought her expertise in Animal Communicating and taught us all that it is something we can all do with a little practice. She also has a great knowledge of animal husbandry from her back ground as a horse and dog owner and working in the field of better conditions for farm animals in her home country of Holland.

We l10608588_682150721892335_309740923096733813_oearnt about why animals get sick, the way they can mirror our illnesses and emotional states, the influence of inappropriate weaning and lack of early nurturing that is the major cause of separation anxiety.  How essences can help in sanctuaries and rescue centres, how they can help pre and post surgery or vet procedures, moving home, changes within the herd dynamics, family or introduction of other pets, behavioural issues and much more.

We also looked at the influence of environmental factors, nutrition, appropriate species specific needs and other influences that can affect an animals wellbeing.  There was a lot of discussion and thought about essence selection.

We spent two days classroom based and during their stay Steve and Judith carried out a number of private consultations.

The third day was spent at the farm working with the animals and putting into practice what we had learnt.  We split into groups of two or three and each was allocated an animal to work with.  10450131_4585320928081_1322790683889640509_nWe then found a quiet spot to practice our communicating skills to tune into the animal and ask how we might be of help.  Essences were then suggested sometimes for me to take too!  Once back at the hall to discuss our findings I was amazed at the accuracy as I was able to confirm much of what each group had picked up.  It truly was a fabulous event and I very much hope Steve and Judith will be returning at some time to offer another workshop.